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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hot Spell

We've been out a lot with this hot spell we're having and catching up with some of Ian's friends. We've gone to Strawberry pool, Aquatic Park, our "backyard", our friends' kiddie pools, etc...mainly anywhere that is cooler than our place. Even with all this activity, I have really been watching Ian grow over the summer; trying to really notice him as the little person he is rather than just "doing", which can be so hard sometimes.
He's such a big-hearted little kid...he really cares about other people. He doesn't like to see his friends cry and tries to give them presents when they are sad to "make you feel better". He's quick to give a hug to anyone who plays with him or shows an interest in him. He loves, I mean LOVES his friends and family. He's all about being "Mr. Happy-Funny" and having a good time. (He wakes up most morning with a huge smile on his face, jumping up and down.)
Yes, he's two and sometimes has trouble sharing. But the other day, a little boy began playing with his sand toys and he sat next to him and said, "it's nice to share". It's so special to see him evolve into (what we hope) is a caring adult someday. Hopefully, he will be caring enough to call his Mom when he's out past curfew. Love you, Monkey.

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