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Monday, June 22, 2009

Ask Your Kid

1. What is something mom always says to you?
I don't know..."NO"...

2. What makes mom happy?'re just happy

3. What makes mom sad?
nothing does...everything make you happy

4. How does mom make you laugh? that!

5. What was mom like as a little boy?
I don't know...what is it? a new place?

6. How old is mom?
You're 3

7. How tall is mom?
really really like tall like this!

8. What is mom's favorite thing to do?
(does a disco move)

9. What does mom do when you are not here?
you don't find me. and you won't be able to see me. i'll be far away.

10. If mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
I don't know...what will it be for? pfpfpfpfpf (does a couch dive)

11. What is mom good at?
(points to himself)

12. What does mom do for a job?
this. you do this.: (gives me a hug)

13. What is mom's favorite food?

14. What makes you proud of mom?
(hugs me)

15. If mom was a cartoon character, what would he be?
Woody, the character

16. What do you and mom do together?
I don't know. What do we do?

17. How are you and mom the same?
I don't know, how?

18. How are you and mom different?

19. How do you know mom loves you?
I don't want questions.

20. Where is dad's favorite place to go?

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